252 publications found

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  • 2024
    Ranavolo A. , Ajoudani A.iit , Chini G. , Lorenzini M. , Varecchia T.

    Adaptive Lifting Index (aLI) for real-time instrumental biomechanical risk assessment: concepts, mathematics, and first experimental results

    MDPI Sensors
  • 2024
    Ranavolo A. , Ajoudani A.iit , Chini G. , Lorenzini M.iit , Varrecchia T.

    Adaptive Lifting Index (aLI) for Real-Time Instrumental Biomechanical Risk Assessment: Concepts, Mathematics, and First Experimental Results

    Sensors, vol. 24, (no. 5)
  • 2024
    *Tassi F.iit , Ajoudani A.iit

    A Distributed Processing Approach for Smooth Task Transitioning in Strict Hierarchical Control

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
    Conference Paper
  • 2024
    Raei H. , Gandarias J. , De Momi E. , Balatti P.iit , Ajoudani A.iit

    A Multipurpose Interface for Close- and Far-Proximity Control of Mobile Collaborative Robots

    10th IEEE RAS/EMBS International Conference for Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronic
    Conference Paper
  • 2024
    Liao Z.iit , Lorenzini M.iit , Leonori M.iit , Zhao F. , Jiang G. , Ajoudani A.iit

    An Ergo-Interactive Framework for Human-Robot Collaboration Via Learning from Demonstration

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, (no. 1), pp. 359-366
  • 2024
    Sirintuna D.iit , Giammarino A.iit , Ajoudani A.iit

    An Object Deformation-Agnostic Framework for Human-Robot Collaborative Transportation

    IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering, vol. 21, (no. 2), pp. 1986-1999
  • 2024
    Kastritsi T.iit , Ajoudani A.iit

    A Passive Power-Based Control Strategy for pHRI Tasks With Omni-Directional Robotic Mobile Platforms

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
  • 2024
    Fortuna A. , Lorenzini M. , Leonori M.iit , Gandarias JM. , Balatti P.iit , Cho Y. , De Momi E. , Ajoudani A.iit

    A Personalizable Controller for the Walking Assistive omNi-Directional Exo-Robot (WANDER)

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
    Conference Paper
  • 2024
    *Hjorth S.iit , Mobedi E. , Ajoudani A.iit

    A Power-Based Load Decoupling Method for Wearable Assistive Systems

    IEEE EMB's 10th International Conference on Biomedical Robotics and Biomechatronics
    Conference Paper
  • 2024
    Ajoudani A.iit

    Associate Editor

    IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS)
  • 2024
    Cho Y.iit , Lorenzini M.iit , Fortuna A.iit , Leonori M.iit , Ajoudani A.iit

    A User- and Slope-Adaptive Control Framework for a Walking Aid Robot

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
  • 2024
    Zhang H. , Solak G. , Giardini Lahr G. , Ajoudani A.iit

    A Variable Stiffness-based Safe Reinforcement Learning for Contact-rich Robotic Tasks

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    Article in Press
  • 2024
    Rollo F. , Zunino A. , Tsagarakis N.iit , Mingo Hoffman E. , Ajoudani A.iit

    CAP-REID: Continuously Adaptable Re-identification for Personalized Robot Assistance

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
    Conference Paper
  • 2024
    Cao H.-L. , Elprama S.A. , Scholz C. , Siahaya P. , El Makrini I. , Jacobs A. , Ajoudani A.iit , Vanderborght B.

    Designing interaction interface for supportive human-robot collaboration: A co-creation study involving factory employees

    Computers and Industrial Engineering, vol. 192
  • 2024
    Cao H. , Elparma S. , Scholz C. , Siahaya P. , El Marikini E. , Jacons A. , Ajoudani A.iit , Vanderborght B.

    Designing Interaction Interface for Supportive Human-Robot Collaboration: A Co-creation Study Involving Factory Employees

    Computers & Industrial Engineering
  • 2024
    Ranavolo A. , Ajoudani A.iit , Bonnet V. , De Nunzio A.M. , Draicchio F. , Sartori M. , Serrao M.

    Editorial: Job integration/reintegration of people with neuromuscular disorders in the epoch of “industry 4.0”

    Frontiers in Neurology, vol. 15
  • 2024
    *Hjorth S.iit , Lachner J. , Ajoudani A.iit , Chrysostomou D.

    Enabling passivity for Cartesian workspace restrictions

    IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA)
    Conference Paper
  • 2024
    Sirintuna D.iit , Kastritsi T.iit , Ozdamar I.iit , Gandarias J.M. , Ajoudani A.iit

    Enhancing human–robot collaborative transportation through obstacle-aware vibrotactile warning and virtual fixtures

    Robotics and Autonomous Systems, vol. 178
  • 2024
    *Tassi F.iit , Giardini Lahr G. , Sirintuna D. , Ajoudani A.iit

    Evaluating leadership roles in human-robot interaction via highly dynamic collaborative tasks

    IEEE International Workshop on Robot and Human Communication, RO-MAN
  • 2024
    Ranavolo A. , Ajoudani A.iit , Bonnet V. , De Nunzio A. , Draicchio F. , Sartori M. , Serrao M.

    Job integration/reintegration of people with neuromuscular disorders in the epoch of industry 4.0

    Frontiers in Neurology
  • 2024
    Testa A.iit , Raiano L.iit , Laghi M.iit , Ajoudani A.iit , Mingo Hoffman E.iit

    Joint Position Bounds in Resolved-Acceleration Control: A Comparison

    Springer Proceedings in Advanced Robotics, vol. 29 SPAR, pp. 123-136
    Conference Paper
  • 2024
    Du Y. , Ben Amor H. , Jin J. , Wang Q. , Ajoudani A.iit

    Learning-based Multimodal Control for a Supernumerary Robotic System in Human-Robot Collaborative Sorting

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters
    Article in Press
  • 2024
    Du Y.iit , Amor H.B. , Jin J. , Wang Q. , Ajoudani A.iit

    Learning-Based Multimodal Control for a Supernumerary Robotic System in Human-Robot Collaborative Sorting

    IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 9, (no. 4), pp. 3435-3442
  • 2024
    Woolfrey J. , Ajoudani A.iit , Lu W. , Natale L.iit

    Optimal configurations for stiffness and compliance in human & robot arms

    PLoS ONE, vol. 19, (no. 5 May)
  • 2024
    Korivand S. , Galvani G. , Ajoudani A.iit , Gong J. , Jalili N.

    Optimizing Human–Robot Teaming Performance through Q-Learning-Based Task Load Adjustment and Physiological Data Analysis

    Sensors, vol. 24, (no. 9)